Monday, 26 November 2012

Week 1 Recap – I’m Beautiful like a Diamond in the Sky…..

Wow what a week – lots has happened and I’m well on my way to being a better more awesome version of myself..  Here are some Highlights”


What can I say, I’m loving the food that I am now eating, I mean its delish, Its healthy I even think I am eating more food now than I was before, actually I know I am, its refreshing…   I had a great week but fell down on the Saturday, I went to Movie world with a good friend of mine that came up from Melbourne to visit, we didn’t want to take backpacks as it hindered the experience of rides… and going on them repeatedly.. ha ha ha.. So I made the choice to buy food there, I was doing ok, wasn’t that hungry but around 1pm, hunger struck so we looked around for a ‘healthier option’ which trust me I don’t think there was one, I ended up having a taco wrap which was not the best choice but better than what was there, I’m not making any excuses I didn’t eat well on Saturday but I’m not going to dwell on it, since then my food has been impeccable.


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the workout plans they are easy to follow and its great having a piece of paper in front of me telling me what to do, I used to go to gym and spend 45 mins on the tready and then stretch, I think I have used ALL the machines this week – yet I have upped the weights quite a bit as I have done weights before and well on the legs I walk around all day on 115kg so lifting 20kg on my legs wasn’t very hard… I ended up doing 100kg 12 sets, so will up it next week to 120kg :D 


One of my favourite Flowers I found walking to work. ;D
I am feeling AMAZEballs at the moment, I feel like I can do anything, yes most afternoons around 3.14pm I sit at my desk and my good and bad side in my brain fight over going to gym or going home… Gym side always win, I struggle to understand why I continue to give myself the option of going home, when I know 5 mins being at gym I feel fantastic, amazing, on top of the world. Happy as Larry.. (I would like to meet Larry) ha ha :P    I have always loved taking photos of myself and looking at myself in the mirror, I wouldn’t say I’m vain – I wouldn’t say that I’m not.. ha ha.. But now when I look at myself, I don’t see an overweight girl, I see a girl, with a beautiful smile, cheeky dimples, beautiful eyes, a body changing for the better and THAT my friends is the best feeling in the world.. A couple of years ago (and more recently) my beautiful best friend asked me to name a Top 5 things I love about myself.. I couldn’t come up with one, how bad is that – I love my hair I think was my final answer.. Now I could tell you my Top 100 things that I love about myself.. It’s amazing, when you really focus and commit to something and yourself that your mind also changes, don’t get me wrong I still have those thoughts, self-doubting, destructive, negative thoughts that would be calmed by a bag of chips, but funnily enough now I don’t have those foods in my house and you can believe that I’m not going to go out and get them, but what I have found is that If I get up off the couch and blog or go for a walk or do a Zumba DVD those negative thoughts disappear and a new thought comes through of happiness and fulfilment but not in the food kind…  I have found these awesome Rice Crackers that fit in the snack count or have choc paddle pops in the freezer, that in itself is a great treat and not 5000cals :P


I feel my life is changing, wait I KNOW my life is changing for the better, I’m not even worried about the scales or what they will be reading tomorrow a loss will be great, but I am already winning with my head space changing for the better, it’s like I’m kicking out the bad tenants, that never paid rent, always abused me, broke me down, with awesome new tenants that love me, keep my place clean and are joyous 24/7… I may have lost the analogy but hopefully you get me :D    I have so much in my life to be grateful for yet I am only just reaping the benefits of my life…  I wonder why it took me so long to do, but I’m not going down that lane, I’ve started now and like I said I’m well on my way to a more Awesome person….

Fun Stuff

Lyrics to my new favourite song Diamonds (in the sky) Rhianna – Find light in the beautiful sea I choose to be happy, You and I, You and I We’re like diamonds in the sky, You’re a shooting star I see,  A vision of ecstasy When you hold me, I’m alive We’re like diamonds in the sky”…  I take these lyrics as Old Ange and New Ange…  I’m the diamond in the sky :D  Because I sparkle :P

Weigh in tomorrow, like I said I won’t be upset if there isn’t too much change, I feel amazing, I know I am losing a lot negativity (if only that weighed kilos :P)  Whist my goal is a lot smaller than other 12WBTers 16kg I just want to under 100kg. My ultimate goal will be around 75kg, but Im in no hurry to get there -12 months is fine... Most people have massive 50kg/ 80kg goals, I don’t want to lose too much weight, I think ladies should have a bit of weight on them a healthy amount – my goal is to buy a beautiful size 12/14 dress from Forever New or Temt or Cue one of those shops that all my friends shop in and I just looks at the accessory section, as usually that is the only thing that will fit me in those stores.. Or to work out in Lorna Jane :P or short shorts.. Ok Ange moving on……

So Week 1 done and dusted and already two days into Week 2.  I’m loving the Rice Paper rolls but will tell you more about them next week… I have also taken a more accountable photo montage of my exercise for the week – mainly to prove to myself that I am going and that I am working my @rse off… Burning 600+ cals if I can – weights session days are a little harder to do that…

Until next time,


Sparkles xxxx

Monday, 19 November 2012

Taking back my Life - Preseason Tasks - 12WBT

This Quote says it all - To Me...  <3
I have been on a weight loss challenge my ENTIRE life,  I even look back at photos and wonder why I was trying to lose weight, as I don't look that big in the photos.. Its always been a mind battle with me and also a love battle.. Love myself battle.

I joined like minded ladies on Michelle Bridges -12 Week Body Transformation, she gave us 8 preseason tasks that we must complete prior to starting Week 1. Here they are:

1. Get Real - No More Excuses -   I Have a lot of excuses it would seem ranging from,Its raining, I'm buggered after working all day, I start work at 6.30am,  I hate getting ready at work, I go red after exercising, I'm to unfit, I just don't want to today, I'll do it tomorrow, I will start again tomorrow, Missing a day wont matter,  don't look good in Lycra, What will people think? What if I cant do it., Whats the point? I never lose weight?, I'm happy as I am right? NO! One burger and chips wont hurt? What if everyone runs past me or laps me? Ill be embarrassed.
This is my solution to ALL of those EXCUSES -  I have noticed you have a motto or the 12WBT do.  JFDI!!! I also have one HTFU - Harden the F*%k Up.
I made this one up listening to you speak - WWMBD - What would Michelle Bridges do?  I think this is the one that I am going to use ALL the time.. If I want that packet of chips - WWMBD - she would grab her shoes and go for a run.  This is going to by my SOLUTION for all excuses.. WWMBD!!

2. Set your Goals -  What are your GOALS for the next 3, 6, 9 and 12 months and beyond.

Here are my goals for the rest of my life... 

3 Gear up -  My training program will consist of six days per week of exercise: For my Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Lean and Fit, you will be doing;
  • 3 days of Fitness
  • 2 days of Toning
  • 1 day of light fitness, core and stretch 
I will be aiming for doing two x Boot camp sessions a week, One Boxing session and the rest in the gym or 5km Park runs...

4 Say it out loud (and Proud) -  This is my commitment to myself, my body, my mind, my soul, my family and friends, Michelle Bridges and 12WBT.

My Commitments are 1. To follow the 12WBT eating and exercise plan 2. To love myself during this whole life changing challenge - through losses, gains and plateaus (if any) 3. To support myself with no self sabotaging or cheating and to support my fellow 12WBT through the next 12 weeks and most of all 4. TO ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE, to have FUN, to LAUGH, to LIVE and to LOVE the new me.....

5. Kitchen Makeover -  Clean out your pantry- Bring your rubbish bin into the middle of the room, open the cupboards and be ruthless! Follow the list below to know what to keep and what to toss.  I took this challenge to a WHOLE new level.  I have had the crappiest cheapest Pantry for 7 years, since I brought my house, I just needed something at the time, and its stayed, well once I read this challenge I did the following:

Pantry BEFORE...

Pantry - AFTER

The Space from where the Pantry used to be after I ripped it apart.
So then my kitchen looked like a BOMB  had hit it, there was stuff everywhere, but it made me clean out all the cupboards and really sort out my food. Now this is what my new pantry looks like.
Full of Healthy 12WBT Food.
6. Organise and Diarise - In this task Grab your diary and identify all of the ‘red flags’ - holidays, functions and commitments - that may disrupt your routine. Plan at least one month, ideally three months and enter all of your workouts for the month.  Here is mine below:

Me being Organised and Awesome :P

7. Fitness Test - Every 4 weeks, I will do a Fitness Test to see how I am improving in fitness, mind, strength and flexibility.

Week 1 - 17/11/12 

Part 1: 1km Time Trial - 8.18minutes

Part 2: The Pushup Test - 21 on knees - 0 on toes

Part 3: Abdominal Strength Test - Level 1

Part 4: Wall Sit - 1min 15 seconds.

Part 5: Sit and Reach Test- +2cm.

8. Measure Up - Take your measurements as follows

Date Done - 17/11/12
  • Chest: 122cm
  • Waist: BB - 133cm and Mid Waist - 108cm
  • Hips: 136cm
  • Thighs: R - 76cm  L - 76cm
  • Arms:. R - 41cm  L - 41cm
I will also be taking my measurements every 4 weeks and will note them in my next blog which will be ALL My results as I go through each week - including Cals burned every day exercising.. I am becoming accountable. (for me)...

That is the end of my Preseason tasks and I am currently on Day 2 of the program, I will update weekly on my days, ups and downs(hopefully not many) to keep myself accountable but also just to spill my guts, writing it down helps me deal with whatever is going on....

Will leave you with this fantastic quote from Jennifer Aniston, I am believing this quote more and more each day.. Its amazing...

Live.... Laugh... Love...


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Before and "Soon to be" After.....

So this is probably one of the most HARDEST posts/things I have EVER done.. We have to do before and after photos, well I have only just started so here is my FULL body before shot.. I know I will look back at these photos and think wow look how much I have changed, but this is the HARDEST thing to do, yes I am procrastinating as I really don't want to put them up...
This is my Face Front on Shot - I'm not smiling as when I do it changes my face shape...

I'm embarrassed, I don't want people to see me like this, but this is me and I should be proud of myself as our body is just a shell, its not what makes us.. What makes us is our heart, our soul, our kindness the person we are, our best friends and family, don't like us because of what we look like, they love us because of our personalities the way we treat them, how we act, not by the clothes we wear, the size we are, or the money we have.. Yes some people might be that materialistic, if that's the case then our friendship wont last, I don't want friends who are going to laugh at my before photos or tell me what I am doing is a waste of time.. I am doing this to better my health, to love me for me and to be happier...

Yes I am still procrastinating, I just don't want to put them up....
Although I know in 12 weeks when I'm thinner, healthier, smaller and happier there will be 50 photos of me EVERYWHERE...

Ok here goes nothing.. My Before photos
Ange BEFORE her Transformation.

 My measurements as of Wednesday 14th November 2012
Chest - 128
Hips & Butt 135cm
Thighs- 119cm
R Calve - 45cm
R Arm - 44cm
Weight - 115.5kg.

This is the start of my new life, I have already achieved so much in the past 4 weeks, I have done Triathlons, Warrior Dash and I'm actually starting to love myself, I think I am kinda alright...  This is definitely a mind journey for me and the weight loss will just be cream on top of the cake, wait I should say will be the celery stick to the hummus dip.

Wish me well friends, family and new friends reading this... This girl is changing she is becoming the Awesome person on and inside and out :P

Live... Laugh... Love..

I am Awesome Ange xoxox


Sunday, 11 November 2012

I am Warrior Ange

Warrior Ange reporting for duty......  I registered for Warrior Dash a couple of months ago not really thinking to much about it... Until yesterday morning when it was the DAY of Warrior Dash.

Me so very Proud of myself..
 I was very very nervous, everyone else who was participating were cool calm and collected about it and so was I on the outside, but on the inside my mind was telling me ALL the reasons that I couldnt do this, my weight will hold me back,I wont be able to keep up,  someone at 115kg doing obstacles, I must be OUT OF MY MIND!!!!  A friend of mine who was doing it with me (He will be known as PT throughout my blog) texted me the morning of - Warriors report for duty.. I was so nervous, I replied, lets gets ready to rumble my fingers were shaking typing it... 
We met and drove up together, I was so nervous the whole way, the close I got the more nervous I became, we got there and as we walked up to register I saw one of the obstacles, it was huge, high cargo nets off the ground, I started to get even more nervous..... 

The Last Three (3) Obstacles... Including the Big Cargo Tower Net Climb..
We grabbed out numbers, timing chips and packs and PT said lets line up for the 11.30 wave, I noticed that everyone else had timing chips but me I was going to do the race without it but I really wanted to know my time and to PROVE that I did do it, even though PT was running with me (we would have the same time) I wanted my name to be beside it... So we ran back to the register tent, got a new number and tag and ran back to the start line and BANG we were off... I looked up and it was 10000km of hills, ok slight exaggeration but that is what it felt like, I ran for as far as I could and then had to walk it took it out of me straight up and guess what happened, all those you cant do this negative talk came back,  my breathing got whack, I was taking short sharp breaths, I was not even 500m in and I was struggling, what am I doing?? PT talked me out of my frenzy and we made it to the first obstacle, which was jumping over fences and under barbed wire fences,  PT had to help me over, it was a struggle I was fine going under but the fences were up to my chest, I'm short so lifting myself over was a challenge, but everyone I tried... we got through it and continued running, up hills more hills and then some more hills, then started going down a hill a slippery one - this is where I kind of forget what obstacles I did so I will just tell you the ones I remember.. There was a plank walk which I was fine walking up but coming down I had to go down backwards and on my knees, but I did it, it doesn't matter how you do something as long as you do it.. A lady beside me tried to run down it slipped and fell, I'm glad that I took my time as she will be hurting today...  We continued on to the cargo net crawl, this one I did really well,we had to climb up the cargo net and then about 7 metres across the top and down,  I used my arms and legs to climb across, some people knelt and did it but I stood and it was great.. Jumped off PT high 5'd me and we continued on.. We ran up hill and then got to run down the other side, ok when I say run I mean slowly walk or slide.. ha ha...  We arrived at the rope wall climb, I tried three times, but I could not lift myself up, I would get up the first one but trying to pull myself up with the rope and a wet wall and wet shoes, its no excuse, this was just one obstacle I couldn't do, PT was great he supported me and told me to keep going.. He was happy to walk with me as long as I didn't stop, there was plenty of times when I wanted to stop but he was right behind me pushing me up, sometimes with words other times with his hand.. He was the support that I needed to get to the top.. We kept going and came to the barbed wire crawl, this was great nice soft mud but with barbed wire above, we made it through quite quickly and the photo man was just on the other side ha ha so those photos will be hilarious.. ;D
I was feeling really great grabbed some water and kept running, this was fantastic Im half way through yes Im hurting but Im doing GREAT!!! we kept running sliding walking talking then came to the straight drop wall climb, this is a wall with a 'kind of' ladder up onside, I climbed up ok got to the top and paniced, how do I get down the wall is flat and goes straight down, Im sitting up the top looking down at PT and Im freaking out, everyones just sliding down it I mean EVERYONE... I was sitting up there thinking how am I going to do this.. PT said ok so you just have to slowly ease down, come over to this side, still holding on, let one leg go and slowly slide down, well as soon as I let one leg go my whole body let go and I fell, it was the most scariest part of the day, it really freaked me out a shooting pain went up my leg and I freaked out, I started crying but continued on, PT was great, he talked me through it and I did it, not gracefully or the correct way but I did it..  We walked for a bit as the next hill was pretty much STRAIGHT up and it was muddy and slidey and people were falling down the whole way up it... so I dug my feet it and just took it one step at a time, it was so slippery and even so often I felt PT steady me and we kept going, we made it to the top and I was so happy, Im doing this, Im not giving and I am SO FAR OUT OF MY COMFORT zone right now I cant believe it..  We slowly (ok sometimes not so slowly) slid down the hill, as I found out later there were alot of rocks, sticks etc which tore a hole in my pants. haha.. 

The hole in my pants..
 We kept going and made our way to the mud trenches, we crawled through mud tunnels and a whole lot of mud and reached the arachnophobia obstacle, it was ropes wrapped around trees which again PT helped me through.. I was getting fatigued and my body was hurting from my wall fall... We got to the next barbed wire crawl, this time it wasn't soft, it was sticks and rocks, and tree roots and barbed wire, I got a cramp half way through it in my leg and stood up straight into barbed wire, a friendly warrior helped me unbarb wire myself, I stretched and got back on my knees and kept crawling... 
As we ran up the last hill ok walked very short steps up the slippery hill I could see the end, I could also see the big cargo net tower that I sore when we arrived, I freaked out I was sore I was tired, I said I couldn't do this, PT said lets see how you feel when we get there,my head was saying no just walk around this one, but a little voice way up the back was telling me to give it a go, I got there and PT went up and waited at the top, I ummmed and arrred for about 3 mins (which felt like 60) I heard the little voice again YOU CAN DO THIS.. So I put my leg up and pulled myself up onto the net, I surprised myself how quickly I made it to the top, I got over PT was there and we climbed down together, when I jumped onto the ground I was so happy and proud of myself, I did it, I did the big scary cargo net tower... I gave PT a massive hug and we started running to the Mud Slide, we ran into the muddy water and then up the muddy hill then down a steep slide into more muddy water, again where the camera man was, hahaha.. Got out of there and PT said we are going to run to the end, so we did, we ran, we got to the start of the mud river and ran through it, we swam under the barbed wire and got out at the end, the lady in front of me sprayed me with mud water and thats when my photo got taken haha.. Awesome timing... Got up and ran towards the end got a Photo with PT and we ran across together, it was amazing...  I felt like the little voice in my head/heart had won, it was small but such a powerful voice.. I did it..

If it wasnt for the support of PT I dont know how far I would have made it, he was inspirational for me, he kept me going, he picked me up when I fell both physically and emotionally, he doesnt know this but I will be forever indebted for his help with this, yes I did it I pushed my body, but he pushed my mind and shut up the negative talk...  Thankyou so much PT you are  great friend and I really appreciate all of your support on Warrior Day, you are this Warriors hero....

Warrior Dash - Ange the Warrior...

Just in case you didnt see it - I survived Warrior Dash 2012..

My war wounds - Swollen and Bruised knees..

After finishing the race, we got our free beer and handed in our timing chips, had a communal shower by a massive water truck
grabbed our bags, took some photos then headed back to the car, got changed and then headed home.. I have never been so proud of myself, I look back and think 2011 Ange would not have done this... I am rocking right now, I am the best Ange I can be... Because I am believing that I can do anything.. And after surviving Warrior Dash, you know what I think I can.....
I wrote HTFU and looked at it every time I got a negative thought.....

In the end  - This is what AWESOME looks like.....

I am Awesome Ange...
I am AWESOME ANGE....  <3