I think we all get to a certain time in our weight loss challenges and the old habits start to slip back in, you know the odd chocolate won’t hurt or I exercised yesterday I don’t have to do it today….
I find it hilarious that I make such a big deal of exercise, when I should be making it routine, I mean every morning I get up (hit snooze 5 times) have a shower, brush my teeth, drive/train to work, have breakfast, work lunch, work, gym/boot camp/exercise, home, dinner, play with Joey (my adorable little kitten).. The funny thing is sometimes the gym/boot camp/exercise part slips off, now I can guarantee you that the shower, brush teeth breakfast part will NEVER falter, so why can’t I do it for exercise?
I need to make my exercise part of my day, it’s not a chore, it’s not an effort, it’s not hard wok (ok it is hard work but that’s because I choose a hard workout).. It’s not something that I hate to do…. I actually LOVE exercising I love the way it makes me feel, I love feeling my body getting stronger, fitter, faster, leaner…… I just don’t enjoy getting ready to go..
I exercise in the afternoon as my day starts at 5am and finishes at 4pm, so trying to find an extra 1.30min in the morning is too much for me.. However I enjoy the arvo exercise as it 1. Stops me eating, I finish work at 4pm, I’d be home say 4.30pm, so from 4.30-6.30pm I eat, I’m not hungry I just eat, because I’m home and the couch, tele and fridge is there…. BUT When I exercise from 4.30-5.30 drive home (traffic takes longer at that time) I am home at 6.30 which is dinner time and because I have just kicked butt in the gym I don’t ruin my workout with eating 1000s of calories before dinner ( I could easily get through a packet of chips, whilst watching tele and not even realise that I had finished them and then say to myself, oh the packet must have been full when I brought it… (Wow I got off topic there) and 2. It makes me sleepy, I’m buggered when I finish my sessions, I get home and make dinner, have a shower, play with Joey and then I’m normally in bed by 8.30pm and then dead to the world). When I don’t exercise I drink more Pepsi max and hence the caffeine keeps me up for longer.
It’s amazing what just a small couple of changes to your lifestyle can do. I.e.
1. I exercise in the afternoon – hence I stop eating – so instead of eating extra calories on the couch I am actually burning extra calories off my body
2. I get tired after sessions, so I sleep like a kitten.. (Babies don’t sleep soundly) ha ha.. Where Kittens can sleep all day… and very soundly…
3. Believing in yourself – Believing that I can make a change and sticking to those changes..
I must admit I still find myself comparing myself to others that habit will take a little longer to change. But in saying that I’m also comparing my old body to my new body and the awesome changes that I am starting to see, smaller thighs and butt, thinner face, happier person, more full of life, not as negative…. I always found it hard finding positives, but in the last 5 weeks, I am finding it much easier to remove a negative and replace it with a positive, I don’t feel like exercising, but if I do exercise, I will feel amazing afterwards, or like I did yesterday I didn’t feel like going to the gym to do weights or run, I felt like dancing, so I got home and put on Wii Just Dance, and danced for an hour, it was the best workout – I burnt over 450 cals and was did it doing something I love….. So I am now finding others ways to exercise which I enjoy…
The Doubts that I have I am slowly focussing on ways to move past them and in some instances, I am kicking down Doubts door and showing him whose boss!!
On a final note – don’t doubt yourself, we are all beautiful ladies, who have the world at our feet, its up to us to take that first step (which we are all doing with 12WBT) and step out of our comfort zone.
If you want to Box, then Box
If you want to Dance, then Dance,
If you want to run, then pound the pavement
If you want to Laugh, Google Cute Kittens and puppies…..
If you want this, you’ve got this…..
Sparkles for everyone…