Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Angie's Awesome April's Adventures... I'm Excited!!!!!

So I have my new plan, it’s out there and I’m pretty sure I can do it...
Here is my April Plan.

1.  Exercise every day – just something
2.  Eat clean every day
3.  No Takeout – healthy choices if dining out
4.  Blog everyday – make time
5.  Enjoy exercise
6.  24/7 positive thoughts
7.  Read more/TV Less ( I can say that now as my Fav show – The Walking dead finale was last night ha ha)
8.  Lunch time walks – min 3 per week
9.  Saturday treat meal – no doubt I can do this one no trouble
10. Weigh and Measure 1st and 31st of April.

So easy enough right, well I hope so... I’m one of those people who can write up awesome plans, do pretty visual walls, all these fanjangelled top quality all of my effort into designs and yet I don’t follow them.. They look fantastic, and if I actually put as much effort into working out as I do in making these fun bright plans, I’d be at my goal weight...
I have also booked in to do the Pinkie Tri – Medium course again this weekend (Sunday 7th) which I am looking forward too and then the 5km Colour Run the weekend after at the Gold Coast, which is going to be so much fun..I can’t wait to be turned into a colourful creature or Rainbow Brite :D
So to get back to my plan, I don’t know if I can blog every day and I think that would annoy the HELL out of people, so I might rejig that to weekly, I think weekly is good, I will have enough to chat about plus it’s not annoying to whoever reads this.
The no takeout will be ok as I’m not a massive take out fan, but I do love chips, chocolate and well anything that is not fuelling my body and the funny thing is I don’t finish the meal with satisfaction and enjoyment, its regret and feeling sick, so why do I continue to do it?  Now I’m not getting negative, I know what I need to do and I’m going to do it.
I have been pushed around far too long by myself, my demons, men, and my inability to have children (which hurts the most).. There comes a time, when you have to delete LITERALLY people out of your life, those people that DON’T help you, they hinder you, they call themselves friends, but don’t act like it.. Friendship to me is always there for you = not just when they need something..  My Mum always used to say you can count your BEST friends on one hand and sadly I am actually finding this out, which is crazy. I find it sad that I say If I won a trip somewhere I would have many people I could invite, but I don’t actually know who would invite me if vice versa and that also breaks my heart, in saying that Why do I care so much? Majority of my friends have a partner, so of course they would invite them first, they also have best friends, who they would invite second.. I just have to realise, that friends are friends, but your Best friends you can count on through the tough times you can count on one hand...
I got off track (as I ALWAYS do_ ha ha ha...)
I don’t delete people from my life, but I have come to realise that this is MY life and if you don’t provide me with positive, happy thoughts or actually want to spend time with me, why am I busting my gut for you to be in my life?  I hate that I have to be the one who organises catchups or the first one to text or call, yet I get the I haven’t heard from you in ages spiel.... My phone number hasn’t changed....  But you see these are the things that get me down, because I over Analyse EVERYTHING... which to be honest I should just let it go or as my new little desk note says – DON’T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF and its all small stuff...
So life goes on without people in your life, and you know what NEW friends will be brought into your life, I have met some beautiful new friends and even found out that one of them her Aunty is my God Mother – I kid you not...  She makes me smile and laugh more than my so called friends from years ago... So life goes on with my new beautiful supportive friends...
Read more and less Tv is a big one for me, have you seen that sign, wait I will add on it here...  It says if you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV... I love Tv, its my comfort, its my relax after working, its my sit down and eat.. See my problem, what if Ange, what if you stopped watching a hour of TV a night and exercised, I mean seriously, have you not already seen ALL THE FRIENDS episodes??? Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to get off the couch and out on the pavement??

Now lunch time walks I can do no worries at all,  I brought everything in today part from my hat, which I will bring in tomororw for my first lunch walk, and yes i will be takign a photo and it will go in my weekly blog  3x a week. I will stick to my goals and Iwill prove it to myself and you all that I can do it by adding it in...  Actually it will be nice to get out of the building and away from work for 1hour a day, I can eat lunch at my desk. Life is good.....
Im not a big fan of weighing myself as to be honest I never see what I want so it does my head in, I will change the way I think and I will weigh in and love whatever number shows up on the scales.

Life is not about numbers of scales, its about what you do with you life..

Angela LIVE YOUR LIFE as you only have one, dont waste it on people who arent interested in you and spend more time with the people that do...

Live... Laugh... Love..

Thanks for reading, I must admit I write these to myself but appreciate everyone who reads them and lets me know that they enjoy it as well..

You guys rock...


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