Tuesday 11 December 2012

Boot Camp Babes.....

 Here are a couple of words I never thought I would say - I LOVE BOOTCAMPS....

I have never met such a likeminded bunch of awesome strong ladies, as I have at Sunday PIP Bootcamp, its like a mini family of togetherness..

We push each other, Ange pushes us, we work at our own pace but are encouraged to push that little bit harder, I leave bootcamp feeling happy, fit and energetic.....  I have even incorporated Anges 5 mins after workout meditation in my own gym workouts.. Its amazing how 5 mins of just letting everything go and being one with yourself can make you feel... Truly Bliss!!!

We ALL have those days were we need to release our day and the best way is to grab a sledgehammer and smash tyres, what a release, we did a circuit of about 10 different exercise, and I was looking forward to the sledgehammers to come back around...

Who would have thought that me Awesome Angela Sparkles would have lost 6.7kg in 4 weeks, feeling awesome about herself, actually liking what she sees in the mirror and loving herself to the power of rad.....;D

Awesome group of PIP girls on Sunday...

Heavy Duty Equipment

There comes a time in everyones life where you have a bit of a 'spare tyre' around yoru belly, well this me picking up my spare tyre and getting rid of it for life, my new life change has been amazing, people, my friends and most of all my Mum has seen this awesome change in me, Im no longer down on myself, Im probably a little to in love with myself at the moment... ha ha but thats a much better way to be...

 A friend of mine took some photos of me Front, Back and Side, I can see change that could also be that I am standing proud now...  I do see some change in my arms, belly, butt I feel more like Angela now...  This Ange was always in me just took some 'downer' moments for me to pick me up and maybe shake me a little - and WOW look at the changes, I am becoming unstoppable and I like the way that feels..

Enter POSER!!!! ha ha
 Being that this is only Week 4 I am SO excited to see what the next 8 weeks have in store for me... I am excited to think that im 8.9kg i will be at my goal of two digits.... then I can start to focus on my next goal and become lean and strong... and truly Awesome inside and OUT!!!!!

Bootcamps - if you havent already started doing them - please give it a go, dont be embarrassed if you think you are not fit enough or hate wearing lycra, I was the same, I never wear tight clothes, especially Lycra, but now I wear it proud, my body is changing and I am very proud of my progress.....

Live... Laugh.. Love.

Sparkle on..


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