Monday 3 December 2012

Week 2 Recap – You fall, you get up, you dust yourself off and you carry on…

14 days – 336 hours – of my new life…. It’s amazing how quickly you change the way you think, I mean don’t get me wrong I have struggled to lose weight my entire life,  I have tried all the diet fads (yes all of them) never did I think – Angela - Believe you can do it.. Was all it would take, the first sign of me starting to put on weight, I stopped everything that I was doing and went back to eating bad, not exercising because I believed that what’s the point, nothings changing… LIGHT BULB MOMENT - How about I don’t give up and just move on from that day? One day is not going to hinder my week – I’m not saying that I intend to slip up every week, that’s most definitely not going to happen, let me tell you what happened.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I was on fire, I was so Bright that if you were around me you would have your sunnies on, I was eating perfect, I was exercising EVERY DAY following the awesome exercise plan, I was kicking goals left right and centre, I was living the dream J then I started getting massive pains in my stomach, had to leave work and ended up at the Drs – 10mins later I leave with a Drs Certificate, Prescription and an Inflamed bowel. Yes it’s painful, so what did I do went for my comfort food of Twisties and chocolate covered liquorice, and yes I ate it all. I was devastated with myself after I ate it all, I was sitting on the couch looking at the reflection looking back at me in the TV and I realised what I was doing – I threw away the packet (there were 4 choc liquorice pieces left in the packet), I also sprayed and wiped them so I wouldn’t go back later to get them. I got up and drank a litre of water then and there to fill me up so I couldn’t possibly want to eat anymore. I laid back down as unfortunately that’s the only position that didn’t hurt, I got up Friday made my Muesli and ate perfect that day, I didn’t feel guilty I kept at it. I pulled myself up and I didn’t falter.  I want to see the new version of me, I like the new version of me, yes I fell off the wagon but I jumped right back up and took charge.

I’m learning a lot of things about myself whilst doing this program some are great, some are bad and some are just plain ugly.

I’ve learnt that I can do this, I have the power to do it, and day by day I am becoming more AWESOME ANGE…    I am starting to like what I see in the mirror, see photos (yes there are a lot of them, but I am currently loving me) I have always liked myself a little but never actually been able to look in a mirror, in underclothes and look at my beautiful smile or great hair, or smooth skin, all I ever saw was a big ugly overweight person…

I have lost 4 kg since starting this awesome program, and whilst many more have lost a lot more, I feel like I have gained 10kg of confidence, 20kg of self love and 30kg of pure get up and go.

Whilst I still compare myself to others (this will take a while to curb) I am slowly getting there day by day… 

I read my stars this morning and this is what they said - The day should be excellent, Angela. For the past several days, you've been searching for a meaning in what befalls you in life. There have been changes in your chief occupation, new relationships, bursting ambitions... Today, you can let all of that soul searching go. Instead, you're likely to whip up a huge mixture of the whole experience and be grateful for the thrilling life you are leading right now!  Today, the association of Death and the High Priestess is causing you to change your approach to your emotional situation, Angela. You'll want to take a close look at your life, which may lead you to give up some material comfort in your search for the truth. It's time for positive reassessment.

WOW I know right, I have been on this little mission on what I want the past couple of days and to read that just put it all into perspective for me. I want to live the best life that I can, I want to be healthy, fit and toned, I want to feel love and be loved, I want life to be happy and I want to be grateful for all of my experiences in life.  I am the person I am today from all of my ups and downs in life.

A couple of things that have gotten me through the small struggles are:

Water consumption - we sometimes all struggle with this and drinking so much per day, I must admit since drinking 3L of water a day I have felt amazing, I feel like my insides are being cleansed, this is what I do to make sure I am keeping my water consumption up – I note a lot of people do this in different ways but this is what works best for me… and since doing this I sometimes forget to have my 10am Pepsi Max 1/ because I am full of water and 2/ I just don’t feel like it.

Food Prep -  I never thought about cooking up meals and freezing them, but this week when I didn’t want to cook or whilst I was sick at home – getting something out of the freezer and zapping it for 3mins and bam dinner is done was fantastic.. I cooked up the Penang chicken (as everyone has been talking about it) OMG I felt like I was eating store brought take out.. It was delish, luckily I put it into 3 containers after serving myself dinner otherwise I would’ve tried to eat the whole lot……..

Smoked Salmon and Veggies Treat meal :D

Penang Chicken

My new snack of choice.. Carrots, Celery and Hummus.

Treats - I’m not a big sweet tooth person, give me savoury any day, but I have worked Into my plan a Choc paddle pop three days a week – so the days were I REALLY NEED A TREAT I know I have a choc paddle pop at home waiting for me and not a bag of chips, block of chocolate and KFC. It’s amazing when you have Penang Chicken and a Paddle pop I feel like I’m cheating when in fact I am well in my 1200 limit…. It’s amazing how much food you can actually eat when you plan ahead.

Motivation – I sometimes find it hard to get up an exercise or eat properly but then I say to myself, ANGELA you want this? You do it.. Easy as that…  I don’t want to go through another year of me being upset about my body and single…The only reason I am single is because I have a bad body image which effects the way I date _ or lack thereof.   The more I see myself as a beautiful lovable person the better…  I look at my visual wall or Wall of Awesome as I call it for all of my achievements I have done in the past 6 months, I have done many fun runs and events, but I’m only focussing on what I have done in the past 6 months, as you would have seen on earlier posts I did a Triathlon, my first one I also did Warrior Dash.  I took before photos in undies and bra no sucking in and fully relaxing my body, I wear tight clothes to Boot camp, ok not tight fitted might be a better word.. ha ha and yes I still do have rolls (that would make a bakery proud ha ha) but I’m starting to love my body as is, all cuddly and round, but I’m also working on making it still cuddly but in a different more toned way. ;D

Great Run and Cardio Session

Weights Session - Not as many cals burnt.

I have met some fantastic people at PIP Boot camps, 12WBT Boot camps, through other friends and also on the forums… One lovely lady in particular Mish, we talk often (I need to shape up with my replies sometimes) but it’s great to speak to someone who doesn’t know me and all the dramas that I have been through, it’s like making a new friend with a clean slate, we are both doing this to lose weight and make us the best version we can be. I am so humbled that she put up my blog for the weekly challenge, I love that Mish can read my blog and take something from it or be inspired.  I started the blog as a therapeutic vice to let go of all that was in my head… so Thankyou Mish for reading my blog I love our email chats and I look forward to meeting you even if it’s at Finale with our hot new bodies and changed minds.. ;D

I am a little nervous this week with my weigh in tomorrow like I said I had a BAD day and most people will say one day won’t hurt which is probably right, but I have only exercised 4 days this week – although one was a kicker at PIP on Sunday but being that I have chatted your ears off in this blog I will do a new blog for my awesome boot camp experience and turn around…..

Thanks for reading, you guys rock, I love that I get to share my life changing transformation with such a great bunch of people…


Have a sparkly day…

Sparkles xxxxx


  1. Hi Ange, I cam across your blog form the forums! Keep up the great work as I did last round and had signed up for Round 4 but then found myself unexpectedly pregnant with no#3 so I have had to switch programs and take a detour but I just wanted to say good luck for your weigh in tomorrow and don't stress about one bad day and keep up the good work on getting back on the wagon as by week 4 you will not even think about that crap food anymore and you will be feeling so good. Then week 8 will come and you will start see big changes in your waistline which will spur you on, plus stick with PIP I only missed one week the whole time and I really think it put in a great track for the week ( although I did miss my sunday morning sleep ins!) Cheers Tina

  2. Thanks for the note Tina, I actually ended up losing 1.4kg so I was worried about nothing, although I need to learn my lesson, food is not my comforter.... I really appreciate your words of kindness and inspiration. I love the PIP sessions, I am doing the 12WBT program during the week and bootcamps on the weekend, I never thought id say this but im loving exercise :D
    Congratulations on baby #3 that's fantastic news. I am actually starting to notice some changes, and a friend at work said my face looks thinner so Im just so happy at the moment, thanks again for you kind words and hope I get to meet you at Finale... Ange xo
