Tuesday 12 February 2013

A turning point....

I was unsure if I was even going to attend the Group Workout and Park run prior, to be honest I wanted to sleep in and just have some Ange time, a friend that was coming with me, couldn't come due to injury, it was a great excuse for me not to go either, but I put on my alarm that night for 5.30am and it went off I got up had a shower, got in my workout clothes and jumped in the car, firstly checking I had  HRM, SPI belt, keys, ipod, phone, hat, yada yada, I had it all I was ready, took off and got stuck at road works for 15mins - I drove around South Bank and West end for about 15mins to find a park, I finally found one about 20 mins away from Southbank, I fast walked to the start line off Parkrun and missed it by about 5 mins, I could see the runners up ahead the crew told me to run and I would catch up, thing is I'm not a runner and yes I could've run and caught up to them, but then I would've been buggered and had to walk once I got to them. So I decided to walk/jog around the river for 45 mins and it felt good, but it hurt, I'm either 1. not fit or 2. running wrong, my breathing is all over the shop, my legs and knees (especially knees hurt) but anyway I did it, South bank was jammed packed  - with Dragon Boat races, Michelle Bridges ladies EVERYWHERE and over 250 park runners, I found my friends and we all went to to the 12 WBT finale brekkie at Rydges, it was lovely I caught up with some old friends and met a bunch of new lovely ladies... 
After my walk along the Brisbane River at Southbank.

We waited a bit for our breakfasts to arrive, I ended up having the Bacon, Eggs and Toast, I only ended up eating the Bacon and Eggs, there were 3 pieces of bread, so 6 halves and it was WAY to much for me... I drank my Skinny Mocha and then we all walked to the Convention Centre...
As we walked in it was like gearing up for Cheer Leading Nationals, there were 1000s of ladies everywhere, all in their team colours and outfits, I walked in singing the Cheer from Bring it on and two ladies joined in, it was hilarious and fun and relaxed me.. 

Cheerleaders at Nationals :D - Well that's what it felt like
We walked around the stalls, there wasn't that much there to be honest, if they had put out a clothes line with all of Michelle's clothes, I think it would have been a free for all, as her clothing line was on nearly every second person, me included, I wore my  No excuses shirt, as normally I am full of excuses..

I saw everyone lining up for a photo with the MB banner - it said you SMASHED IT.. Well I didn't smash last round at all I think I lost 7kg, which  yes its fantastic weight loss, I could've done A LOT better... I will this round. IN saying that I can see that I have lost weight I can also see that I have a lot more to lose and this will be my ONLY Focus for the next 12 weeks or however long this journey will take me....

The lady who will whip me into shape..

Showing my QLD Colours- Blue

Lovely ladies - waiting for our Group Photo

I had such a fun time with the girls at the group workout I was a little disappointed that I didn't get to go to Finale, but if I decided not to go to Workout I would've missed out on meeting some truly beautiful and inspiring ladies.

There is so much beauty out there and I don't mean pretty skinny girls, I mean ladies who have worked their butts off and walk around proud, the ladies who still have weight to lose but do the mini challenges to prove to no one but themselves that they can and will do this, the ladies who don't know each other yet cheer them on as they do 1 or 2 burpees when they said they couldnt..

This program that I am doing is not only for weight loss but its a little family that brings friends, strangers, support crew together...

Its nice to feel part of a group that wants to help you.

Some people tell me that I don't have to lose weight that I am fine the way I am, which maybe true, however I know what I want, my Goals aren't stupid and unrealistic, I can and will reach them with a little help from myself, my head, my heart, my family and my friends... Its amazing what a little encouragement can do to help me get over the line.

Wearing Kate's 30+ shirt - I can and WILL JFDI!!!

After the workout - all hot and sweaty and lining up for photos.. ha ha

I can and WILL do this.... :D
I look forward to the next 12 weeks - I have some personal stuff going on this week which I have taken time off work to deal with, I have also eaten some wrong food, but I am dealing with everything and it was what was near, I have started my plan and I will get back on my feet and this will be my greatest feat ever... I can and will do this, some people continually tell me I cant do this, I dont stick to things but the majority of my friends, support me and tell me I can and from now on they are the ONLY people I will listen to..

Im a great person, beautiful even and I will become the person I am destined to be...  You just watch and see...

Live Laugh Love.....

Ange xo

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